What is Core Energy Leadership™ Coaching?

Effective coaching creates sustainable results; it facilitates a change in mindset enabling individuals to make positive choices.
Coaching Worx uses the cutting edge Core Energy Coaching technology devised by the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching to empower HR and Executive Leaders, who in turn cascade empowerment to help their teams meet the challenges they face. IPEC is known for its mind-body coaching methodology which facilitates extraordinary growth in clients’ lives, careers and businesses.
The profound benefit of the Core Energy Coaching process is that it raises conscious awareness as goals are achieved. Clients break through limiting thoughts and emotional reactions, replacing them with empowering beliefs that lead to powerful and consistent action. Aware of how they think, feel and act, clients then set the foundation for sustainable change. With this level of awareness they shift into high performance mode and accomplish higher quality results while expending less effort. Clients achieve a transformation from “Average” to “Great.”

What does a certified Core Energy Leadership coach do?
- Identifies goals and helps the client to break through any blocks to achieving these goals
- Recognizes how past experiences have shaped limiting beliefs, and works with the client to re-engineer them so that they can move from “average” to “great”
- Create success metrics, measured step-by-step in a short periods of time
- Helps clients appreciate that the challenges they face are mostly symptoms of an underlying cause.
The Core Energy Leadership Coaching process addresses the root cause(s) instead of dealing with symptoms to make them tolerable.
Core Energy Leadership is an interdisciplinary process combining in well-known mind-body tools such as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), mentoring, consulting, quantum physics, metaphysics, adult and accelerated learning theories, EI (Emotional intelligence), leadership development and theories of conscious evolution.

Why is this unique?
Most coaching schools adopt a traditional approach based on helping people “move from where they are to where they want to go.” The results are often short-lived. The Core Energy Leadership coaching process facilitates empowerment by changing core thoughts and emotions, creating a completely new foundation from which clients not only achieve their goals, but sustain their results for the long-term. There is no reversion back to prior routines and actions.