Is permanency the antonym for uncertainty?
This is one of the many words that the dictionary suggests as the opposite of uncertainty.
But then I ask myself, and consequently you, “is there anything of permanence in our lives?” And a follow to this is, “what is your definition of uncertainty?” No matter what the answer, this is your perspective and mindset which is not linked to right or wrong.
What are the thoughts and feelings that come to the surface when we are faced with uncertainty? Uncertainty triggers our emotions and our fear of the unknown which leads to a victim mindset.
What do we associate with permanence? It warms us up, giving us a sense of security, assurance, reliability, and so on; thus, leading to a positive mindset. An apt example is the difference between having a permanent job as opposed to a contractual position.
My theory is that permanence is an illusion created by our minds.
Hindsight lessons learned from having experienced uncertainty
How different is uncertainty (unknown) really from permanence (security, assurance, reliability)?
I believe that the difference between uncertainty and permanence is perception and a mindset. It’s like having a victim mindset—all doom and gloom—compared to a winner’s mindset—we have positive and abundance thoughts. Permanence is an Illusion.
Changing your perception.
Changes your lens.
Changes your viewpoint.
Changes how you see the world.
Changes your life.
When uncertainty forces us to confront something as permanent as death or a life-changing event, it can lead to fear, anxiety, dread, and overwhelm. This was what sent our emotional state spiralling during the Pandemic; the possibility of imminent and/or permanent loss of life/lives and even our very own. This was a hit that jerked us into the reality of life. For some of us, this realization raised questions about our mortality and what it is that we really want from and to do with our existence. All foreboding thoughts. We were uprooted from a state of expectation and complacency into a state of questioning and reflection. Therefore, the loss of life is the only situation that we have no control over and that has permanence in life. Nothing else, in reality, has permanence.
Barring this, my conclusion is that permanence is an illusion created by the mind as a coping mechanism. The mind is the custodian of our thoughts and feelings, endowed with the ability to develop, re-create, and navigate our lives in the direction of our desires. If we were to understand this concept, we would not be so hooked on seeking permanence in our lives, but would instead be expecting change and developing mechanisms to step out of our comfort zones as a constant factor in our lives. The only constant in life is change.
Developing resilience, tenacity, courage, grit, and capacity to increase endurance will steer us away from Overwhelm.