In many cultures and countries March 21st is celebrated as the beginning of a New Year. It marks the beginning of the season of Spring which brings with it sunshine, longer days, rejuvenation and hopes of a brighter future.
For me the month of March 2021 was a month of new learnings which culminated in rejoicings and celebration.
As the month began there was an indication of abundance and new experiences which compelled me to step out of my ‘comfort zone’. One in particular stands out because for me it was an opportunity of great learning and reward. In my role as the Director of Special Events for the Canadian Association of Women Executives and Entrepreneurs (CAWEE), I had to organize and moderate an event to commemorate International Women’s Day (IWD). I was convinced that I could not pull this off in a virtual environment. However, I moved out of my ‘comfort zone’.

Moving from “Comfort Zone” to “Growth Zone”
It feels safe to be in the “Comfort Zone”. No risk, no fears and in control of your life, but stuck in the same old rut. The fear of changing the status quo, perhaps making a mistake, not showing up as knowledgeable and rationalizing why we do not need to move out of the “Comfort Zone” are some of the barriers we encounter in taking that first step. Attempting to do something that you have never done before., your gremlin or inner bully supports you in staying safe in the “Comfort Zone”’ and validates your thoughts and feelings of safety and being in control.
In my situation: I could not comprehend how, what, when, why, and who to begin with.
In the “Fear Zone” where we make up stories about ourselves as to why we cannot move forward and also receive external validation. These are excuses and not reasons. Furthermore, this fear prevents and at times is responsible for blocking our movement forward. WE sabotage ourselves. Fear comes from within and when we create an abundant mindset, we become aware that learning is all about making mistakes. Two points to keep in mind are: Behind every mistake is an opportunity to learn what not to do, and that failure is not a person it is merely a situation which can be rectified.
In my situation: I asked myself what would be the worse thing that could happen. As I let go of my fears, I began to seek help and formed a committee and asked my fellow board member for names of potential speakers. This step was a catalyst and was so rewarding when the speakers so willingly accepted the invitation to participate in the IWD event.
Through this experience I learned that it is only when we change our mindset and begin to self accept that, we open our minds to abundance and learning. The “Learning Zone” is exciting as the doors open to infinite possibilities. We discover our limitations and how we can overcome these. Life for me is a journey of continuous learning.
In my situation: I learned that somehow the ‘how’ takes care of itself but one does need to decide on the ‘who’. Once that is decided the planning for the event took its natural course.
The “Growth Zone” was even more fun. I had found a purpose and was now living my dream. A dream of moderating a virtual event that marked International Women’s Day. I researched the speakers and picked key points that would be of interest to the audience, had a joint meeting and a dry run so that we all had rapport and were in alignment mentally and spiritually.
In my situation: I received many accolades that evening on my performance.
I grew tremendously from this experience – I learnt a new skill and increased my network of friends and associates. I created another avenue of abundance in my life.
If I did not decide to step out of my “Comfort Zone” and overcome my fears, I would have missed a great opportunity. So,
The world is waiting for you